An Explosive Shot: The 40MM
The 40MM grenade is and has been used by the military in a variety of launching capacities. Whether you are using a low velocity or high velocity launcher, both sure do pack enough punch to destroy what is in its path. Low velocity launchers like the M79’s, M203’s, or M32 are your typical handheld launchers of a 40MM grenade.
High Velocity launchers are mounted to the top of a vehicle and fire from a belt fed band of 40MM grenades. These grenades are used for a variety of purposes. Some of these are signal flares, riot control/ less lethal grenades, smoke grenades, or good old fashion explosive grenade. We have all seen them, whether we have served in the military, private contracting, or a civilian seeing them on television. There are a number of great films that come to mind from the early 90’s to present day, where you can see these grenades in action. One thing is for certain, if you see one of these aimed at you and you live to talk about it, you are most likely going to need a drink! Pick up one or all four of our 40MM Shot glasses in a variety of colors today at Lucky Shot USA.
These shot glasses are machined from solid aluminum to the specifications of a real 40mm grenade casing. Instead of having a legitimate projectile on the front, ours have a plastic removable cap. An active 40MM grenade has 8-10 feet arming time. You may not be able to walk 8-10 feet in a straight line once you’ve had enough to drink out of these glasses, so please remember to drink responsibly. How awesome does it sound to be able to drink out of a replica grenade shell? You will not have to worry about mixing in some of the used pellets or firing assembly powder in with your choice of alcohol because these are not used grenade shells. They are however exact replicas and the only thing that you will have to worry about mixing in some badassery in with your drink.
Belt Fed 40MM Grenades
M79 Grenade Launcher
M203 Grenade Launcher
As you enjoy these photos, we encourage you to go explore your own photos and videos of this truly awesome 40MM grenade being used. While you're at it, pick up your very own 40MM shot glasses. There is an of assortment colors to choose from and would make a great addition to your home bar. Anybody can drink out of a typical shot glass but how many can say they drink their shots out of a grenade shell? Cheers!