Chatter from Lucky Shot USA Page 9 - Lucky Shot USA


Military Jargon: What’s It All About?

Military Jargon: What’s It All About?

Every industry, hobby, sport, and society has its own particular jargon. We all are familiar with catchphrases and acronyms used in every-day life. Our armed forces are no different, and in fact, are more dependent on this verbal shorthand than most.

This brief article will offer some insight into this concept and a few examples of some of the more interesting entries.

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Lucky Shot October Influencer Highlight

Lucky Shot October Influencer Highlight

Say hello to our newest October Influencer for Lucky Shot, our very own partner Allen, a 26 year old EMT with a passion for the outdoors and the 2nd amendment. Follow his story on his passion for guns from a young age and how he uses social media to educate and show the fun of shooting. Click below to read more.

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Protecting and Preserving the Second Amendment

Protecting and Preserving the Second Amendment

The Second Amendment is critically important to everyone here at Lucky Shot, and we know that you, our customer, feel the same. Considering the peculiar events of this surreal year of 2020, we thought it might be helpful to briefly look at some thoughts from our Founding Fathers.

So, pour a tall one in your favorite Lucky Shot 2nd Amendment glass and enjoy this inspiring reflection on America's beginning.

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The Importance of the 2nd Amendment

The Importance of the 2nd Amendment
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”  Words that are more prevalent today than other time in our history.  Some say that when our founding fathers were writing The Constitution and creating The Bill of Rights, they intended for the 2nd Amendment to be number two on the list for a reason.  History has proven that this right, being so important to us has allowed for us to maintain the freedoms we have.  A right that is always such a point of contention among not only fellow citizens, but also has become a driving force for political campaigns.  The current Democratic, Far Left politicians want to take your guns away.  They want you to solely rely on them for safety, protection, & food.  They don’t want you to have the option to provide for your family and protect your family without having to lean on them.  That doesn’t fit into their master plan and it shouldn’t fit into ours either.

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Lucky Shot September Influencer Highlight

Lucky Shot September Influencer Highlight
Meet our Newest September Influencer for Lucky Shot: Renee also know as @lionesstactics on instagram. She's got over 20.5k followers on instagram and not only is she a badass mom of 3 daughters, she also has a black belt in Krav Maga. Learn more about her take on the Gun Industry and her newest venture into firearms training.

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